The SROI Analysis of iGA’s Social Investment Programme, prepared with the cooperation of Brika Sustainability and Etkiyap, has been assured by Social Value International and published!
iGA’s Social Investment Programme aims to improve the livelihoods of nine neighbourhoods around Istanbul Airport through meaningful and trusted relationships based on transparent, timely information provision and open dialogue.
The Social Investment Programme consists of different activities designed for different segments of stakeholders. The Social Investment Programme is carried out in two components: Rapid Impact Projects aimed at meeting basic needs and capacity building, and Income Generating Projects that generate long-term, tangible outputs and income through sustainable activities.
The main beneficiary of the programme is the local people, which is segmented further under two groups: local women and local young people.
This report elaborates the social change realised through the projects implemented and stakeholder dialogue created, thanks in particular to the two pillars the program focuses on: regional development, and upcycling and recycling.
Click here to read the SROI Analysis of iGA’s Social Investment Programme.
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